Sunday 6 October 2013

Another day, another rejection

Another day, another rejection.

This time it was from Sainsburys. Seriously, what more do I need to do to get a job? I've worked pretty much since I was 16, bar work, shop work, waitressing... I have good GCSE's, A Levels and a degree, I'm relatively normal but still, nothing. The annoying thing is that the rejections come after those stupid personality tests they ask you to do. A load of rubbish.

I've spent a hungover Sunday afternoon applying for jobs. If I don't hear back from something soon I'm going to go crazy. Just give me a job!

I'm supposed to be in Paris right now, living it up, learning French, meeting new people and falling in love with Jean-Pierre. Not sitting in bed, applying for waitressing jobs and looking at pictures on Facebook of the people I met in Paris, doing all the things I should be doing. Sigh. Everything happens for a reason, right?

On a slightly brighter note, I actually went out and socialised yesterday. I managed to climb out of my little bubble of graduate sadness to go for lunch at a friends and then out for a night out with my fellow single friends. I stumbled in at 5am and sat in bed eating noodles thinking that life isn't always all bad. I just think it's about time a bit of good luck was sent my way. Good luck in the form of my dream job or an attractive, tall, dark haired man that wants to fall in love with me would be nice. But beggars can't be choosers so I'd settle for a bar job. Something to fill my time with would be so welcomed right now. I spend my days walking the dog, job hunting and napping with the cat. Hardly the fun filled rock and roll life I thought I'd be living at 22.

I'm 23 next month. When did I get so old? So soon I'll be 23, unemployed, single, miserable. Exactly what I hoped for. I was thinking about my "perfect" life, if things were how I want them to be I'd be working in a job that is actually what I want to do, have a good social life, a little car, be sharing a flat with a friend and have a boyfriend that isn't an absolute idiot, with things heading in the direction of something serious. Not too much to ask is it? It's not like I'm saying I want to be a millionaire living in America or something. They're all pretty achievable things, no? The sad thing is that I just don't see it happening any time soon. I think I'm destined to be living in my graduate sadness bubble for a while.

But you know what? Life could be so much worse. I know I'm being miserable and self pitying when in reality, things aren't that bad. I feel like I need this time though and hopefully I'll appreciate things so much more when (if...) things finally fall into place.

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